
1. About The Society
The IGSZ is a non-profit golf society set up and managed by a small group of very nice people, to allow like-minded people to play golf in and around the Canton of Zug.
1.1 Designation
The Society will be known as the International Golf Society of Zug or abbreviated as IGSZ or I.G.S.Z. (hereinafter called “the Society”).
1.2 Objectives
The objectives of the Society are as follows:
• Its main aim is to foster the interests of its members by arranging a calendar of golf fixtures throughout the year, which will be open to all members.
• Develop interest in, and raise the standard of the game of golf in the Canton of Zug.
• Everyone is welcome to join the IGSZ, but please note that by joining the golf society, members must accept and agree to the Society terms and conditions
1.3 Management
The management of the Society and its finances will be vested in a committee (or Board) who will normally comprise four people; the Chairman, President, Treasurer and Secretary. The roles & responsibilities for IGSZ Board members are outlined in this document.
A printed and signed copy of the IGSZ statutes is available upon request, please contact an IGSZ board member.