The Board

The International Golf Society of Zug started our 2022 season in March with our AGM and awards event. Our events are all back to normal now (post Covid) and we've had more new members sign up tzhan ever before
2022 Membership
The membership fees for this season were set at Fr. 80 and we now have 130 people on our mailing list. As a result, the IGSZ is no longer accepting membership applications for this season. We have logged all applications and will reach out to everyone at the start of the 2023 season. Note: Anyone that is currently on our mailing list BUT no longer plans to play golf, please let us know.
The International Golf Society of Zug currently has over 90 active members from over 25 nationalities. Our members usually play 9 holes every Saturday morning, plus an 18 hole Medal on the first Saturday of the month. The IGSZ also holds golf days, golf weekends and various golf-related events throughout the year.
Contact Us
The International Golf Society of Zug.Post Box 7607
6302 - Zug
Switzerland email: internationalgolfsocietyofzug@gmail.com